Matt Schweitzer is one of the most accomplished watermen of our generation. From the time he could reach the booms to when he won his first World Championship in 1974 at the young age of 16, the world was watching. They watched him win a total of 18 World Championship Windsurfing titles, but who was counting? It was his image that counted. Images of Matt splashed across magazine covers worldwide, inspiring an entire generation and seven continents to jump onboard. He's been called the Stacey Peralta of windsurfing, his blond locks and fit figure creating a rage across Europe. Paraphrasing how he put it in the film, Wind Legends, "Everyone in Europe had a board on their car. Even if they didn't windsurf, they had one on their racks." It was a status symbol, a desire to be cool like Matt. He was brilliant on the race course, yes, but it was freestyle where he demonstrated the flair, finesse, and choreography of a whirling wet Baryshnikov. Somewhat shy on land, humble beyond words, he was the first enigma, the one that showed the world how it was done.
Matt and Robby, early battles. Photo Aeder
Matt Schweitzer at Ho'okipa. Slides a little dirty from dirt biking. Photo
Matt with a big lead at the Gorge. Photo Aeder.
Matt on the cover of WIND LEGENDS, Photographer unknown.
Your first windsurfing experience?"My dad taught me, at Marina del Rey California."
Favorite minute of windsurfing? "First time using foot straps I felt like it was a dream come true."
What would you like to be remembered for in this sport?"Teaching so many people in the world knowing it touched their lives and made people happy."
The shot that rang around the world. Appearing on cover of Boy's Life. Changed a lot of boys and girls lives.
Matt winning his first World Championships in NY at 16. Photog unknown.
Matt winning again and again. Photog unknown.
Totally glory Matt on Rocket 88, 1982. Photo Weston